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UUA Irma & Harvey Recovery Fund


UUA Irma & Harvey Recovery Fund

UU Society of Geneva

The UUA Irma & Harvey Recovery Fund

 With Hurricane Irma—the most powerful Atlantic hurricane ever recorded—barreling across Florida after devastating parts of the Caribbean, there is likely to be significant damage similar to what Hurricane Harvey inflicted. We know that long after the initial clean-up, real recovery can take months or years.

The UUA stands with its congregations which have been impacted by these natural disasters and has established a Hurricane Irma Recovery Fund to assist congregations in repairing any damage, and to respond to the needs of their members' and their community's efforts to get back on its feet. Donate to Irma efforts here.  

Harvey The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has joined with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) to establish the Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund.

UUSC is supporting long-time partner RAICES (Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services), a Texas-based organization that provides direct legal services and education on the rights of immigrants. In the aftermath of Harvey, it is crucial that immigrant communities—documented and undocumented—know their rights and have access to legal services. Donate to Harvey efforts here.

In both cases, UUA staff is working closely with leaders in the Association's Southern Region to learn where the need is the greatest and distribute funds efficiently.

To support both the Irma and Harvey recovery funds, you may send one check with a note indicating how much to allocate to each fund.

If you prefer to donate by mail, please make your check payable to the UUA with "Irma Recovery Fund" on the memo line, and send to UUA Gift Processing, 24 Farnsworth St, Boston, MA 02210.