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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


All Are Welcome in This House

Join us in Geneva or online Sundays at 10AM

Follow your own path to
a different kind of church

Our Unitarian Universalist church in Geneva, Illinois is part of a 200-year-old American faith that draws wisdom from all the world’s religious traditions, balanced with the insights of modern science.

There are many paths through the mysteries of life, and we do not pretend to have all of the answers. But we do know that life is sacred, justice is crucial, love is central, and that the search for truth and meaning is a journey best taken together.

Wherever you are on that journey, you are welcome here as we explore life's great questions, grow in the joy of community, and work for practical goodness in the world.

We affirm and celebrate the diversity of humanity, a diversity which includes differences in sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Welcome to UUSG

A welcome message from our Minister, the Rev. Scot Hull.

Our Mission Statement

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva is a diverse, welcoming community which endeavors to make its Covenant a living reality. We provide religious education and opportunities for spiritual growth. We encourage individual and mutual responsibility as together we work to be a liberal religious voice in the community and a force for compassionate social justice.

We Are Unitarian Universalists

Join Our mailing list

Get all the news you need to know from your UUSG Community: Upcoming Events, Announcements, Worship Service & Religious Education Information, and much, more!

Email and we will add you to our mailing lists.

Worship Services

Sunday in-person and online Worship Services at 10am. Visit our Upcoming Services page for more information and the Zoom link.

We Are Committed
to Learning

We offer groups and classes for all ages:

Meet our Minister

The Rev. Scot Hull, Senior Minister of UUSG.

Learn more › 

We Are Committed
to Social Justice

Every month, we contribute our time, talents, and money to service organizations that are making a difference in people's lives.

Learn more ›

Follow Us

Support Us

Looking for a convenient way to make a pledge to UUSG? Click here to donate using your Paypal account or your credit card. And thanks!

Contact US

Please send all mail to: 
P.O. Box 107, Geneva, IL 60134-0107.

Church Office and Voicemail: 
630-232-2350, ext 100

Church Office Email:


102 S. 2ND STREET, GENEVA, IL 60134