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Friday Flicks - Immigration Battle


Friday Flicks - Immigration Battle

UU Society of Geneva

This month’s Friday Flicks Presentation
Friday, October 27, 2017 at 7:00PM
UUSG Common Room


Join us as we return, once again, to an issue which seemed to be making some movement to resolution only to be resurrected in a much darker form in 2017. October’s Friday Flick, Immigration Battle, was produced in 2015 and looked at the legislative process that failed, at that time, to produce a comprehensive reform bill on immigration.

Why has it been so hard for Washington to fix our country’s broken immigration system? In Immigration Battle, a 2-hour film from FRONTLINE and Independent Lens, independent filmmakers Shari Robertson and Michael Camerini take viewers behind closed doors in Washington’s corridors of power to explore political realities surrounding one of the country’s most pressing and divisive issues.

In Immigration Battle we follow Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) as he works behind the scenes with congressional leaders and the White House to try to create a bill that would be acceptable to both Republicans and Democrats. Interestingly, the film makers conclude that Republicans weren’t the only ones to blame for the failure to pass an immigration bill.