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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Stewardship Team Hosts Planned Giving Discussion


Stewardship Team Hosts Planned Giving Discussion

UU Society of Geneva

Stewardship Team Hosts Planned Giving Discussion

The Stewardship Team would like to invite Ted Kuczek of Kuczek & Associates, to give a presentation on the following subjects:
1) Will planning
2) Joint tenancy planning
3) Beneficiary designations
4) Disability planning
5) Living trust planning
6) Charitable giving strategies
7) Current charitable gifts
8) Planned charitable gifts (charitable remainder trust/charitable lead trust)
9) Tax efficient charitable planning (from IRAs etc.)
10) Health care powers of attorney/living wills
If you are interested in these subjects, please email  Once we have established enough interest a date will be set.