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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Child Safety

Child Safety

UUSG takes child safety very seriously and has put policies into place to maintain a safe and secure environment for the children participating in the RE program. Safety measures include but are not limited to the following:

  • Each parent/guardian is asked to register each child participating in any RE activities, including the nursery. The registration form includes emergency contact and allergy information, and authorizes UUSG to call for help in the event of an emergency.

  • Parents/guardians will be asked to sign a separate permission form with additional emergency information before children participate in overnight or offsite events.

  • We schedule a minimum of two adults in each classroom.

  • We conduct criminal background checks on all nursery staff, RE teachers, youth advisors, and event chaperones.

  • We conduct evacuation drills during the church year.

  • Nursery through 1st grade classes are held in first floor rooms in order to facilitate easy escape during an emergency. There are two stairways out of the 2nd floor and two stairways out of the lower level areas.

  • In the nursery, parents are asked to fill out a name sticker for their child. The parent will keep the tag with numbers that match their child's number.

  • Parents are asked to pick up children through grade 5 in their classrooms.