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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Women's Circle October 28th Event


Women's Circle October 28th Event

UU Society of Geneva

Women's Circle October 28th Event:

A Stereotype ‘Blast’: Muslim Women and Spirituality, Bringing the World Together

Our country is in some turmoil regarding immigrants from many countries and bans on those from predominately Muslim countries.  Many misperceptions are being created about Islam, and stereotypes are rampant.

Want to learn more about Islam and the lives of Muslim women here and abroad?  Have questions about their role in family life, or the limitations and opportunities afforded them?  Come share a presentation and discussion on these and related topic with our special guest speaker, Huda Husseini, a chemistry educator and mother originally from Jordan. Her goal is to raise awareness, help combat stereotypes, and bring people together in peace. Huda looks forward to your questions and guiding our discussions!  Register Here