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Sermon Archive

Sermon Archive - 2021

December 24, 2021: Christmas Eve Homily

December 5, 2021: Bhante Sujatha, Abbot of the Blue Lotus Temple

November 21, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “With Thanksgiving”

November 7, 2021: Annual Veterans Service

October 24, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Wanna See Something Really Scary?”

October 10, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Monsterification!”

September 26, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “What If?”

September 12, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “The Great Realisation”

August 29, 2021: Rev. Elizabeth Mount - “Thy Ev'ry Name Be Blessed”

August 15, 2021: Rica Kaufel - “The Greatest Common Denominator”

August 1, 2021: Rev. Zsolt Elekes - “Birthplace of Unitarianism”

July 18, 2021: Jen Raffensperger - “Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself”

July 4, 2021: Dr. Laura Solomon - “The Unsung Third Stanza

Sunday, June 13, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - Juneteenth

December 19, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Another Trip to IKEA: A Christmas Story”

November 28, 2021: Chung Liang - “Drawing from Experience”

November 14, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Paging Captain America”

October 31, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “The Speakers for the Dead: Spiritualism, Universalism & The Other Side of Salvation”

October 17, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “The Truth is Out There”

October 3, 2021: Rev. R. Ken Turner - “One Power”

September 19, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “What the Rich Can’t and Won’t Do.”

September 5, 2021: Rev. Michael Dowd - “How to Stay Positive in Abruptly Disturbing Times”

August 22, 2021: Chaplain Anthony Cruz Pantojas - “Empowering Meaningful Inter-Generational Relations”

August 8, 2021: Verdis LeVar Robinson - “May This Be the Last Time?

July 25, 2021: Rev. Julie Taylor - “Hanging On, Letting Go”

July 11, 2021: Caroline Bright - “Chagrin and Bear It”

Sunday, June 20, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - Father’s Day Service

June 6, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - Pride Sunday

May 30, 2021: Julia Jones - “Diversity is Not the Point: Lessons from Tulsa

May 9, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - Mother’s Day Service

May 16, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - UU History: 60th Anniversary of the Unitarian and Universalist Merger

April 18, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - Earth Day Service

May 2, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - Star Wars Day Service

April 4, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - Death and Resurrection

April 11, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - Ramadan Service

March 7, 2021: Rev Scot Hull - “Women’s History Month”

February 21, 2021: Rev. Verdis Robinson - “Building a Beloved Community on the Red Hills of Georgia”

March 28, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Next Year in Jerusalem”

February 28, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Coming Back to the Table”

February 14, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Who We Want to Be: The Sermon on the Amount”

February 7, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Black Lives Still Matter”

January 24, 2021: Guest, Rev. Molly Brewer - “This is Who We Are: Confronting White Supremacy in Our History”

January 31, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Groundhog Day”

January 10, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Roll for Initiative”

January 17, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Reflections on Martin Luther King Day”

January 3, 2021: Rev. Scot Hull - “Plot Twist”


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Past sermons from our Minister Emerita, the Rev. Dr. Lindsay Bates, are available as audio files here

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