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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Pathway to Membership


Pathway to Membership

UU Society of Geneva

"We'd love to come, but we're just so busy!!"  
"I can't commit to three Sunday afternoons in a row!"
"Can't the Welcoming Team come up with a better approach?"

Well, we can and we have! The Welcoming Team will offer a one-day Pathway to Membership program from 12:30 - 4:00pm on Sunday, February 25, in the Common Room. Newcomers can experience "the best of" our former New UUs orientation combined with the required elements of the Membership Preparation Class in a single three-hour session. If at the end of the afternoon you feel ready to sign the Membership Book, you can do so on the spot!  

Have you already attended New UUs but just haven't been able to find time to come to a separate MPC? "Oldcomers" are welcome to join us at the midpoint (about 2:30) and participate in the second half only. 

There is no obligation to join at the end of the day, but the invitation will be offered.  

We'll kick things off at 12:30 with a light lunch.  Please RSVP here. Childcare will be provided upon advance request. Listen for pulpit announcements as the date approaches. Questions? Please stop by the Welcome Center in the Common Room between services.

For questions or further information, please contact Jim or Kate Frazier at