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Friday Flicks: The Reluctant Radical


Friday Flicks: The Reluctant Radical

UU Society of Geneva

This month’s Friday Flicks Presentation
Friday, April 27, 2018 at 7:00PM
UUSG Common Room


If a crime is committed in order to prevent a greater crime, is it forgivable? Is it, in fact, necessary? THE RELUCTANT RADICAL follows activist Ken Ward as he confronts his fears and puts himself in the direct path of the fossil fuel industry to combat climate change. The film reveals both the personal costs and also the fulfillment that comes from following one’s moral calling- even if that means breaking the law. The film follows Ken through a series of direct actions, culminating with an action that shuts down all the U.S. tar sands oil pipelines and threatens to put him behind bars for 20 years. Ken Ward has no regrets, and his certainty leaves the audience to consider if h is out of touch with reality, or if it is the rest of society that is delusional for not acting when faced with the unsettling evidence that we are collectively destroying our world. 

This month’s Friday Flick is sponsored by the UUSG Green Sanctuary Committee. Please plan on joining us in the Common Room for this provocative film on Environmental activism.